Minggu, 16 September 2018

Modul 1 LA1 Part 2_ Getting to Know Personal Letters MUTIMATUS SA'ADAH

Mutimatus Sa’adah
Bahasa Inggris-Kelas A R1
Kompetensi Profesional
Learning Tasks M1 LA1 Part 2
Getting to Know Personal Letters

Task 5
Now, you will learn how to construct a personal letter. To begin with, rearrange the structure of a personal letter below into a good order!

Dearest John and Jane,
I hope this letter finds you well. I’m just writing to thank you both for the holiday and for the photos you sent. The photos arrived this morning in the post. They reminded me what a great time I had during my stay with you last month. You really were fantastic hosts, and I couldn’t have asked for better guides to show me around.
Sorry I didn’t write to you earlier, but I’ve been working flat out since the moment I arrived home. Do you remember I told you I had an assignment to finish? Well, the deadline was two weeks earlier than I thought it was!
Hope to see you soon,

Task 6
In this task, you will learn more about how you exchange personal news in a letter.
Rearrange the multiply email below into a correct order.
Lissy wrote:
Since I know that you're teaching speaking, may I know what kind of test you used? and how did you test them? is it one to one test like a common international speaking test?
Have you ever tried using portfolio assessment in speaking class? Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you and have a great day ahead!!:)
From: Bryan@gmail.com
CC: michael@gmail.com To: Lissy @gmail.com
Dear Lissy:
Coincidentally, my Speaking III curriculum is a project that ends in a recorded assessment (which becomes a time capsule) and a portfolio of the work done in the creation of it over the two preceding months. It's hard to share all of the pieces with you digitally, as the videos are around 100MB apiece, and the examples of student work aren't even digitized. That said, if you really want to know more, maybe we can schedule a Skype chat, and I can just show you? Or better yet, perhaps I can just bring some stuff to Jakarta some time over the next month, and you and I can sit and chat about the project while Akang Michael smokes cigarettes. =)
takzim, Bryan
Lissy wrote:
Dear Bryan,
Wow...yes..yes..I'd love to know more how you did the project=) and i think it would be better if you swing by to Jakarta next month then we have that chat...may I know when will it be exactly?
The main reason why I prefer to have the chat directly is..I don't know how to use a Skype chat=D Wassalam
From: Bryan@gmail.com
Bryan wrote:
Dear Sister bear (and papa bear, CC'd):
At long last, I am planning to swing through Jakarta next month!   While my plans are not yet solid, it seems likely I'll be there for the second week of
To: Bryan@gmail.com From: Lissy@gmail.com Great!!
but FYI, I'm not good at baking cookies actually=/ So, I'll probably rely on you guys..=D
From: Jackie@gmail.com
To: Bryan@gmail.com CC: Lissy
Cookies! I'm down :)

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