Minggu, 16 September 2018

Modul 1 LA1 Part 1_ Getting to Know Personal Letters MUTIMATUS SA'ADAH

Mutimatus Sa’adah
Bahasa Inggris-Kelas A R1
Kompetensi Profesional
Learning Tasks M1 LA1 Part 1
Getting to Know Personal Letters

Task 1

Task 2
1.       What personal relations do each sender of the letter to the addressees? Provide evidence from the letters in Task 1
2.       What is the tone of each letter? Provide evidences from the letters in Task 1 .
1. Letter 1:  The sender and the receiver are friend.
                             You can see on a sentence “It has been a very long time since we met or wrote to each other.” It means that they have met each other before.
Letter 2: The sender and the receiver are never met each other.
                 You can see on a sentence “I would like to get to know someone from your country and a friend has told me that you would like to practice your English. 
Letter 2: The sender and the receiver are never met each other.
                 You can see on how the sender introduces himself to the receiver.

2. The tone of Letter 1: Informal, Letter 1 is friendly letter. The language is not formal (take care, love, dear), the objective is personal communication and the letter is written to friends.
The tone of Letter 2: Informal, Letter 2 is friendly letter. The language is not formal (Hello), the objective is personal communication, short, and simple (It just have 4 sentences) and the letter are written to friends.
The tone of Letter 3: Informal, Letter 3 is friendly letter. The language is not formal (Anyway), the objective is personal communication and the letter is written to friends.

Task 3
Fill in the table by referring to the previous letter in task 1
In this task, you are going to analyze the letter structure by the senders and receivers. Fill in the table by referring to the previous letter in task 1.

Date of writing
April 17th 2018
It’s not written
It’s not written

It’s not written
Greetings form
Dear (not formal)
Hello (not formal)
Hello (not formal)

Main content
The sender shares her bad experience to an old friend
The sender wants to start friendship with someone new
The sender replies a letter from new friend and tells about himself.

Personal news
The sender’s mother is sick
The sender’s friend told him that the receiver wants to practice English, so the sender asks about the email of the receiver
Introducing himself
Complementary close/Sign off
Take care
Best wishes

It’s not written

Task 4
Now, report the similarities and differences of the four letters by filling out the table below.

To build interpersonal relation with an old friend
 To build interpersonal relation with a new friend
 To build interpersonal relation with a new friend.
ü  Date
ü  Salutation and name (greeting)
ü  Body
ü  Closing (to indicate the letter is going to end; Give my love to your mom and dad and loads of love to you too)
ü  Complimentary close (short expression; love)
ü  Signature (name of the writer; Aleena)
ü  Salutation and name (greeting)
ü  Body
ü  Complimentary close (short expression; thanks)

ü  Salutation and name (greeting)
ü  Body
ü  Closing (to indicate the letter is going to end; anyway I must go and get on with my work!)
ü  Complimentary close (short expression; best wishes)
Signature (name of the writer; Ivo)
Lexico-gram matical Feature
ü  Simple present tense (I hope this letter finds ….)
ü  Simple past tense (We just got back
ü   Simple present tense (Perhaps we could email each other…)

ü   Simple present tense (My name's Ivo …)

To share news about the sender’s last vacation and her mother’s condition to someone already know
 To make a relationship with a new friend to help improving the receiver English skill
 To reply a letter of information to a new friend.
There is date, name of addressee, closure and signature.
There is no date, name of addressee, closure nor signature.
There is no date but there is name of addressee, closure and signature.

The bold sentence is similar

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